Publication: Richter, Sonja; Krogull, Susanne (Eds.) (2017): Global Learning within South North School Encounters.

Just published: Richter, Sonja; Krogull, Susanne (Eds.)

(2017): Global Learning within South North School Encounters. Series: Global Learning in Schools – Insights from Theory and Practice. Comenius Institute.  Free Download

School encounter journeys with partners from countries of the Global South have gained in significance in recent years. But how can school encounter journeys in the context of South-North school partnerships become places of Global Learning? What potential and which difficulties does the particular learning setting of South-North school exchanges involve?

The conference was designed as a “theory-practice conference” and brought together applied perspectives on Global Learning in this special setting. The conference contributions selected via a call for papers and a call for practice present scientific evidence and offer practical ideas on basic issues involving the design and implementation of school encounter journeys in global school partnerships. Subjects related to dealing with differences in power, the colonial past of the participating partner countries, and the challenging structures in the field of schools characterized the discussions at the conference.


This volume is intended as an expanded documentation of the conference. Its articles are excerpts regarding selected aspects of this discussion:

The first contribution by Sonja Richter summarizes the current debate on school encounter journeys and Global Learning. It describes five challenges that practitioners and scientists face regarding further development of such programs. The introductory theoretical article by Annette Scheunpflug addresses school encounter journeys from a scientific perspective. She discusses the contribution of South-North encounters to the concept of Global Citizenship Education. In dialogue with Vanessa Andreotti and through the documentation of Rahime Diallo´s keynote, two actors from the Global South take a critical look at Global Learning from a post-colonial perspective: How do we deal with our colonial backpack? Susanne Krogull and Michael Weichbrodt contribute empirical findings on Global Citizenship Education and on the transnational understanding among participants in encounter programs. Dunja Zivanovic closes the first part of this publication focusing on intercultural learning processes within encounter journeys.

The contributions from the practice take up similar subjects: Harald Kleem, Johannah Nomatlou Mahlangu and Klaus Schilling look at school development processes. In different case studies the authors show how encounter journeys between South and North can contribute to turning development policy issues into drivers of school development.

Lacina YĂ©o takes a different focus on this subject. He views school partnerships in the context of cultural diplomacy. Using the example of the PASCH program in the Ivory Coast, he shows the potential as well as the challenges for cultural diplomatic exchange programs in Global Learning.

Minnie Maisie Salanga and Uwe Berger address challenges and chances of cooperation between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and schools in designing and implementing school partnership journeys, from both South and North perspectives.

The summerizing contribution by Claudia Schilling reports on experiences from the perspective of a funding program, describing the practice approach taken by the ENSA development policy school exchange program.

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The Editors

Sonja Richter is a research associate at the Comenius-Institute, Protestant Centre for Research and Development of Education. She heads the Competence Center on Global Education in Schools (“Fachstelle GLiS”) and is currently preparing for her doctorate at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg on Learning within Voluntary Service Programs in the Global South.

Susanne Krogull is a research associate at the Chair of Foundations of Education (“Allgemeine Pädagogik”) at Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, where she is the Executive Director of the international Master’s program “Educational Quality in Developing Countries”. In 2016, she obtained her doctoral degree with a research on conceptions of world citizenship in encounter journeys between the Global North and South.